Radar Group Equipment

The UCL Radar group is proud to have a collection of vintage and state-of-the-art electronic test equipment for use in our laboratory. Please treat all these items with respect and care. If for any reason something breaks, then please report it to the Head of Radar group p.brennan@ucl.ac.uk. That way we can expedite potential repairs/replacements and minimise any equipment downtime.

RF Bench Equipment

Type Manufacturer Model Number Notes
Spectrum Analysers
HP HP8560E 30 Hz - 2.9 GHz (CRT faulty but otherwise analyser operational)
HP HP8563EC 30 Hz - 26.5 GHz
VNA/Spectrum Analysers
HP HP4195A 10 Hz - 500 MHz
Rohde & Schwarz FSH89 kHz - 8 GHz
Keysight Fieldfox N9915Aup to 9 GHz
Rohde & Schwarz ZVA10 MHz - 50 GHz
Tektronix TDS5052 500 MHz, 5 GSa/s, 2 channels
Tektronix TDS5104B 1 GHz, 5 GSa/s, 4 channels
Rohde & Schwarz RTO2024 2 GHz, 10 GSa/s, 4 channels
Signal Generators
Rohde & Schwarz SWM05 0.01 GHz - 18 GHz
Rohde & Schwarz SMA100B 8 kHz - 12.75 GHz
HP HP8642B 0.1 MHz - 2100 MHz
HP HP8656B 0.1 MHz - 990 MHz
HP HP8656A 0.1 MHz - 990 MHz
HP HP83540A 2 GHz - 8.4 GHz, sweep generator (unreliable but functional)